Release 2.10.01

13.10.2022 19:03:39
  • New feature: Round Robin
    Finally! Our long promised feature Round Robin is online. After a long long time and hard work it is finally ready. It is fully functional but still in the final beta phase. With Round Robin you have now the possibility to promote improved teamwork, to distribute appointments automatically within the assigned team, to move or reschedule appointments among each other and many many more.

Work teams with Round Robin

  • Reschedule templates
    You can now create personalized reschedule templates to use them when you need to reschedule appointments.

Reschedule templates for bookings

  • Rescheduling
    Rescheduling option has been improved as well as the Round Robin option has been integrated.
  • Survey and forms
    The Round Robin option has been linked to the user selection in the surveys and forms
  • Bug fixes
    Some minor and mayor bug fixes