Attach .ics file to event confirmation

With TuCalendi you can attach an ics file to the confirmation of each event booked by your customers.

What is the ics format?

ics is the worldwide standard format used for calendar files in programs such as Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or Apple iCalendar. This format allows you to import and export calendar entries between different platforms.

What is an .ics file?

The .ics file is the file that contains information such as the event name, start time, duration and even the description of the event so that it can be understood and interpreted by the different calendar programs available on the market.

By using this TuCalendi feature in the event confirmation emails your customers receive, they can confirm attendance and add the appointment to their calendar. Activating this feature is very easy in TuCalendi.

IMPORTANT: As of October 1, 2023, the "Confirmation" field no longer exists in the event options menu. This customization of the events must be done from the workflows.

It is necessary to create workflows to associate the confirmation template to your customers when they make a reservation with you.