How to buy TuCalendi codes?

The process of purchasing TuCalendi codes is simple and fast. Go to the TuCalendi pricing page and scroll down until you see the code section.

TuCalendi codes prices

Enter the quantity for the code you want to buy. For example, if you want to use the Pro version of TuCalendi for one month, in this case enter the quantity 1 in the code for one month. You can also buy several 1-month codes and use them independently depending on your needs. You can do the same with the other codes. Each code activates the Pro version for the specified period.

Buy TuCalendi codes

After that you will see the total number of codes you want to buy (in our example 1 code for one month) and the final amount.

You can buy as many codes as you need

Order codes

When you click the "Order now" button, you initiate payment through Stripe (secured payment gateway) to complete the purchase of your codes.

Pay TuCalendi codes purchase

Enter the required data and credit card number and click "Pay". After successful payment you will receive an email with your purchased codes.


Email con el código de TuCalendi compradoYou can then activate the purchased code in your TuCalendi account.