How can I upgrade my subscription?

At any time you can update your paid subscription in a very simple and totally secure way because we use for the management of subscriptions the best of the possible options such as Stripe.

Validate your username and password in TuCalendi and you will enter your personal area. You will be able to update your subscription from two points:

Account settings

1.- From the dashboard in the "TuCalendi packages" option.

In the bottom left corner you will find the first option to update your subscription. Simply click on "TuCalendi packages":

Upgrading your subscription

A window will open indicating your current pricing plan, information about the Pro Plan and just click on "Choose Pro" to upgrade to the paid subscription.

2.- Accessing your account settings.

On the top right hand side of the screen click on "Settings". In the horizontal settings menu options select "Plan settings":

Plan settings

You will be able to see your current plan information with the "Update plan" option, as well as a summary of your billing and any payments you may have made:

To upgrade your plan just click on "Update Plan" and the available pricing plans and payment methods will be displayed so you can choose the one you are most interested in:

Update plan

In each plan you will have a short description. Select the one that best suits your needs and click on "Pay and update your account".

You will be redirected to the payment gateway so that you can enter your data and pay your subscription securely.

Pay and update your subscription

The payment gateway we use is Stripe and you can use any credit or debit card, being the transaction 100% secure.  

NOTE: You can cancel your subscription at any time