Manually schedule a meeting regardless of time availability

Occasionally it may be necessary to schedule meetings regardless of the availability established at the event. In TuCalendi it is possible to manually schedule a meeting regardless of time availability.

Manually scheduling a meeting without checking the time availability set in the event can be done very easily.

Once you have logged in with your username and password you will enter the TuCalendi dashboard. In the block "Upcoming booked events" you will find the button "Schedule event".

Click on the "Schedule event" button to access to make a booking manually.

Dashboard with calendar and events

You will be taken to the option to manually schedule a meeting.

First you must select the event you want to schedule:

Select event to manual schedule

Once you have selected the event, you will be able to schedule the meeting:

Schedule event manually

Checking the "Free time choice" option will not take into account the free times, nor the established time slots. 

This option is very useful if you want to schedule last minute meetings. That is, when a client calls you and needs to have a meeting with you as soon as possible.

You can choose the day and time you want to have the meeting.

Schedule an event with free time choice

The "Time zone" field marked in the image with the arrow and the number 1, refers to the client's time zone. By default, it shows the time zone you have specified in the event configuration.

In the "Date" and "Time" fields marked in the image with the arrow and the number 2, it is the date and time you, who are scheduling the event, want to have the meeting. If the client is in another time zone than yours and you have indicated it in the "Time Zone" field, TuCalendi will calculate the time difference between you and your client.

Enter the basic data to be able to schedule the meeting:

  • Attendee's first name.
  • Attendee's last name.
  • Attendee's email address. 
  • Attendee's language. To send the confirmation email in the language of the person to whom you are going to make the booking manually

Check the "Notify customer" box to send the meeting confirmation notification by email to the customer and click "Save".

In this simple way, you have been able to manually schedule a meeting regardless of the time availability set in the event. 

By accessing the "Scheduled events" option you will also find the possibility to "Schedule event".