Establish availability at fixed time events

When you have created a fixed time event, you can establish the availability in fixed time events at any time by adding or deleting the dates and times you want the fixed time events to have.

Log in to TuCalendi with your username and password. Go to the "Calendars" option.

Calendar with fixed dates event

Select the fixed time event you want to setup and go to "Availability":

Fix dates availability

Set the time zone of the event, the duration of the event and the limits.

Then click on the "Add booking option" button and enter the dates and times when the event will take place.

Set date and time

You can set as many dates as you wish and click "Apply". In our example we will enter two fixed dates and times, but the availability must be done individually.

Date and time set

Click the "Save" button to set the event availability and the widget would appear as follows, showing only the dates and times you have set:

Fixed dates widget